Month: January 2010

  • The Different Connotations of Bitch

    Now we all play favorites, be it with shoes, food, people.  Now I play favorites with vocabulary.  Bitch is probably my favorite curse word.  It encompasses so many meanings, and it just rolls right off the tongue. It’s so versatile, and who doesn’t like versatility?

    Bitch –
    1. a girl that nags and complains a lot (AKA bitches a lot).

    2. someone who’s too afraid to do something, is cowardly, etc; sometimes preceded by “little.”  For example, “Stop being such a little bitch, and ask her out.”

    3. someone who does your errands (AKA bitchwork).

    What a lovely word.  It’s able to fully display my anger or animosity toward someone, while demeaning that person in just the right way. <3

    Note: I was thinking about this when someone asked one of my fob friends who taught him all the curse words he uses.  He pointed to me. Hahaha.

  • Quite Possibly a Resolution… Finally

    Even though I hate to admit it, I’m pretty awkward in social situations.  A lot of the time I feel like I talk too much, and it makes other people feel uncomfortable.  I feel this, but I just can’t stop talking.  I have no idea why I can’t stop.  Maybe I’m trying to salvage the atmosphere that I feel like I just ruined.  Or maybe I just like hearing myself talk.  Maybe I’m trying to save myself and somehow make my topic of conversation less annoying and more relatable.  Unfortunately for the most part, that doesn’t happen, and my words are followed by a lull. 

    I really need to fix that.