Month: September 2009

  • Things I’ve learned from living in NYC

    .. for less than a month.

    Even when crossing a one-way street, look both ways.  A cyclist may be coming at you in the opposite direction.

    Having a car is terribly inconvenient in the city.

    Having a baby is terribly inconvenient in the city.

    No matter what day, what time, there is ALWAYS an emergency, and the sound of sirens will become natural to you.

    Pedestrians always have the right-of-way. No arguments allowed.

    The most functional mode of footwear is boots.

    It’s pertinent to scrub your feet at night if you are not wearing closed shoes.

    “Thank you” and “you’re welcome” are unnecessary.

    Fakes are a good investment, considering cover fees for minors.

    When it’s raining, always stay on the curb while waiting to cross the street.

    Mind your umbrella

    I heart NY shirts should never cost more than two dollars.

    I love the city.

  • Turn Offs

    There are a couple things that I find completely attractive in a guy.  Likewise, there are a couple things that I find appalling.  They’re all physical traits, because, you know, I’m completely shallow.  Haha.  But the following list would definitely deter me from wanting to get to know said guy.

    I HATE it when guys have earrings, especially diamond studs.  I find them so played out and unappealing.  Only my Lee Junki can pull it off with his sexy dangly crosses. mmmmm. xD

    Two things come to mind: Jesus and rugburn.  But stubble, though, is an entirely different story.

    Shaved/Buzzed Heads
    Maybe it’s the fact that I’m attracted to guys with fobby longer hair, but honestly I really do like something to pull on or comb my fingers through when in the moment. Plus, most people don’t have well shaped heads.  A shaved head would just expose that oddly shaped head of yours.

  • Another Thing I Don’t Understand:

    A dire need for relationships.

    Everyone knows one.  Maybe two.  Maybe they’re even together.  Those people that just have to have a significant other.  They’re always in a relationship, and if not, they’re looking for one.  Serial monogamists.  And because they have such a need to be in a relationship, they just can’t let their current relationship go, no matter how bad it is.

    The relationship is unhealthy.  One is constantly nagging, the other is ridiculously suspicious.  They pry into each others emails, Facebooks, talk to random people on each others’ MSN.  They dictate who the other’s friends are, who they talk to.  I just don’t understand why you would subject yourself to such a problem.  It’s such a great deal of frustration. 

    They say it’s because of love.  I still have yet to accept the belief of love, but I’ll humor them.  Say if love existed, would it be full of mistrust?  Would it allow for constant bickering over the most trivial subjects?  Would it try and change the other person?  Honestly, it just doesn’t make sense. Why do you cling onto this relationship when it’s clearly unhealthy?  Is it the sex?  Lust?  Because, even if it existed, it can’t be love.