Month: September 2008

  • Senior Year

    I’ve finally come to this year. Finally, it’s the last year of high school, the period of my life which I’ve dreaded, yet loved so much. I hate highschool for the simple fact that high school is overrated and definitely not the best years of your life. It’s long, monotonous, pointless, and fake. Otherwise can be said about the experiences I’ve gone through during this point in time. All the fun I’ve had these past years and all the grief have seriously molded my personality. That’s completely cliche, but before freshman year started, I was a naive, simple, brainwashed child. I’ve become a stronger woman who has been disillusioned and cynical. I’ve grown to create my own opinions not based on anything else but my own logic. I’ve shaped my own stances on multiple subjects, most of which have changed from my first year of high school. I’ve learned to resist peer pressure and bandwagons, although I may succomb to a drink or two on my own will. Knowing me, I probably will post an entry just like this when I actually finally graduate, me being nostalgic and all.

    Not on emotionally and mentally have I changed but physically as well. Here I was, eighth grade year:

    Though once again, I’ve underestimated this year. My AP classes are much more difficult than I imagined. Knowing that it’s my senior year and that I’m assumed to kick back, I’ve allowed my senioritis to take over. Procrastination and laziness have been maxed out. Studying as always is a mystery to me. Physics is kicking my ass, well after today’s test anyway. Calculus is a breeze. My English teacher loves me. I have a C in Government. I have three tardies (out of the allowed five) to my first hour Debate class. I still have yet to come up with an idea for my senior DECA project. I’ve decided to join the band as a keyboardist for my school’s varsity choir, and I’m making a fool of myself.

    Yeah, I’ve made some not so good decisions pertaining to school. I should’ve studied for my Government test and should be studying now. I have a test tomorrow. I should’ve done the Physics problems assigned to me and asked for help when I needed it. I probably shouldn’t have joined the band. I should have started my paper for English, although it’s so hard to concentrate. I should’ve came up with a great idea for my DECA project over the summer. I should stop going to bed so late so I can wake up to make it to class on time.

    As they say, senior year is the end of one chapter and the start of a new one. As always, I’m scrambling about my test scores and my college applications. Recommendation letters need to be written, transcripts need to be released, applications need to be downloaded, fees need to be paid. Once again, I’m retaking the SAT in hopes that the score will be even slightly higher than before to better my chances of getting into UPenn.

    This entry turned out to be much more of a laundry list than any sort of blogging.