Month: September 2007

  • Sushi Japan.

    I just got back from eating out with my family. Apparently, it was some type of commemoration for my surgery. We went to Sushi Japan and it was delicious. ^_^ I’m planning on going to it for prom. Good idea eh?

  • An Anniversary.

    Today, marks a year since my surgery. It was minor yet, somewhat life changing. A year ago, my body could account for two ovaries and a cyst. Now, I only have one. I also had a huuuge bulging stomach from my ten by fifteen centimeter cyst. I surprisingly had no pain from it. I remember all the pain and the morphine. I remember how much fun I thought morphine would be, but it turned out to be extremely GAY. It made me nauseous and I couldn’t keep anything down for that whole first day. Not even water. I was extremely dehydrated and hungry. So that night I decided that I wasn’t going to give myself anymore morphine. Yes, I did get to give myself my own morphine, but not as liberally as I wanted too. I had a button that allowed me to have morphine be pumped into my IV, but I couldn’t push the button all the time to have morphine flow through my veins through artificial blood hanging beside my bed.

    I remember not being nervous at all going into the pre-op. I was completely calm. It wasn’t a big deal to me. Cysts aren’t life threatening, and all my pre-op nurses who came to question me about my surgery [to double, triple, and quadruple check that I was aware of all the aspects of the surgery I was about to be put through] said that I was unexpectedly apathetic. Well, just not nervous. The nurses would come in and ask me what type of surgery I was going through, and I would answer, “A cystemectomy.” The nurses would then ask, “And…?” And I would have to respond, “And a possible ovarian removal.” After the first two nurses reacting that way, I realized I might as well say both parts the first time I’m asked by the next 2 or 3 nurses. I had alot of nurses: one to take samples of my blood, one to insert my IV, one to talk to me about my anesthetics, etc. Well, the fact that I answered ”and a possibly ovarian removal” so readily led my mom to blame me for the reason why my surgery wasn’t as successful as I wanted, and why I had to have my right ovary removed. My mom is so hypocritically dependent on fate and superstitions, as she claims herself as a devout Catholic. One of the many reasons I’ve become Atheist.

    People say that Atheists only look at God in times of need. In my time of need was when I stopped believing in God. Heh. =T

    Which reminds me. My dad’s case was officially decided today. He is no longer employed at the Post Office. If God existed, he wouldn’t have let that lying whore steal my dad’s job away from him when he is completely and utterly innocent. Especially when my family is financially unstable at the moment.

    I’ve also decided that boys my age are way to dramatic. Thus, another reason why I go for older guys.

    Wow, super long post. Well, I want to end on a happy note.

    My car is back from the body shop! I dropped it off on Wednesday to get my car fixed from when Gabby rear-ended it.




    Also note that the hood was mis-aligned, and the left side of the hood was popped up, but I couldn’t take a picture that could portray it. Haha.

    I don’t have any after pictures! xD Just know that it’s all fixed.

    Also my coat that I ordered came in! Yay! Here’s a picture, except it looks much better on me. xD

    Isn’t that Danielle from America’s Next Top Model Cycle 6? ^^ I thought ANTMs become “high fashion” models, not catalog models.

    AHH. My mom is so ridiculous. She’s pissed off at my dad because it’s his fault that he got fired. She believes he’s still repenting for his sins. Aiya. I seriously dislike my mom very much. I hate her so called feelings and premonitions when something bad is supposedly going to happen. She always claims she felt something AFTER the fact and says, “It’s so weird. I should’ve said something,” every single fucking time. She’s so full of shit. Like about my rearview mirror. “I felt something. I almost called home to warn you, but I was busy.” She always happens to not tell us and regrets it. Wouldn’t she fucking learn by now?! She claims sixth sense as well. So a devout catholic believes in superstition, fate, and has a sixth sense. BULLSHIT. I can’t stand it. And she won’t accept the fact that I’m going to major in Business and that Creighton doesn’t have a business program. She calls me out in front of my dad like I actually plan on going to UNL. WHAT THE HELL?! I said that it’s my BACKUP college if I don’t get into NYU or UPenn. And she and my dad misinterpret EVERYTHING and skew EVERYTHING. And they don’t understand. They change the topic yet it’s somehow related, but has nothing to do with the argument.  Fucking shit. I’m like shaking with fury. I’m so frustrated. I’m soo pissed off at my mom right now. I just want to drive off and do something.

    So much for a happy ending.

  • What a week.

    Sigh. This week is almost over. I barely made it. Been busy alllll week. Monday, Tuesday I worked on my DECA campaign with Diana. We hung them up this week. We are a little behind. The room is packkkked. There’s barely any room for us! Yesterday was just a terrible day altogether. First off, I parked my car to close to the garage wall & my rear view mirror caught onto the garage frame and the rear view mirror feel out and shattered. =T And then I was crazy sick. My nose was soo stuffy and runny. I couldn’t breathe out of my nose and I had a sinus headache. Then I had piano lessons and I couldn’t even focus. Even my piano teacher pointed it out. Today was somewhat better. Instead of school, I went to a math competition [yes, I skipped school for a math competition], but I didn’t win anything. I saw Hao again. I see him freaking everywhere. I think one day he’ll make alot of money. I should befriend him and possibly make him my future husband. xD Hahaha. And also I met a new asian girl today. She’s my first korean friend and she’s really cute, but hella quiet. Hahaha. I like how meeting her, just because she’s asian, makes such an impact on my life. She’s smarter than me at math, too, and she’s only a sophomore. I feel so inadaquate. That Hao kid and one of his asian friends placed in EVERY catagory. I can’t live up to that. I must improve. xD

    I want this shirt. It’s adorable! Christmas is only in 3 months. Cough Cough.

    Here is the new Super Junior Album! Kpop = love.

  • Why Hello.

    Today was a busy day. Woke up at 10:30, went to Michael’s with Diana and Sammi at 11:30, went back to Diana’s around 12:30 to eat lunch and work on DECA campaigns, went home at 3:30, and went shopping at 4:00. I just came home. Haha, I worked on DECA posters for about 1 hour to 2 hours and I barely got anything done, but Diana did buy me ice cream from the ice cream truck! Haha. I’m going back tomorrow after church and then I’ll probably go to Jenny’s birthday party.

    And now I will hit the showers. That is all. ^_^

  • More Fate.

    So LauRen and I ended up having dinner today. It was great catching up.

    According to Mike, I’m pretty much seductive without know it. xD

  • Talk about Fate.

    So I’ve decided I’m typing all my Xanga Blogs in correct grammar. Haha.

    Well, I haven’t documented this in Xanga, but there was this whole conflict with my mom and i pretty much had to confess I was taking Arielle and Diana to school. Well, technically they only know about Arielle. Hahaha. And so, on the way to school, I was rearended at the stoplight right outside of the KwikShop by Gabbi. -_- Well, she owes me money. Haha. And if my parents didn’t know about me taking Arielle to school, then I’d be in trouble for being on Capehart. And that whole conflict with my mom would go down anyways, but worse.

    On the bright side, I am officially running for DECA junior officer. “Mary’s Poppin’”!

  • Not too pleasant.

    I could tell by before I even left the house that today wasn’t going to be a good day. First off, it was pouring rain. my cotton flats were and still are soaked from the morning. Walking from the parking lot into the school is such a drag. I brought dumplings and soy sauce to school today for lunch. The container holding the soy sauce leaked all over my Hello Kitty lunchbox, staining it and the white peacock shirt that LauRen gave me for my birthday a year ago. I’m hoping that it comes out. I couldn’t finish todays two-star sudoku in the newspaper today. And just a bunch of minor irritations throughout the day, involving certain people. Other thoughts flood my mind that also upset me. AHH. VENT!


    That is my super asian shirt. I love it. ^_^ oh btw, arielle found that shirt.

  • the best feeling in the world.

    i’ve decided is feeling useful. today, i volunteered at my littlest sister’s school carnival. i worked at the redemption prize table at peak hours so it was busy. i don’t know but i love it when i’m busy helping people being useful. BEST FEELING EVER. maybe i’ll change my mind after i lose my virginity. xD hahaha.

  • homecoming.

    was extremely gay. & now i’m tired & dizzy. probably from staying up talking to marky.

    me & mommy.



    the independent women. xD


    mommy catches me off guard sometimes.



  • my life’s quite exciting.

    xD so last night my credit card came in the mail! time to start my credit score! i’m on my parents card, so mine is just an extension. hopefully, they won’t do anything to fuck up my credit score. hahah. because i’m only using it sparingly & when i tell my parents. plus, if i wasn’t using my card, i would use my mom’s card on the things i buy with it. i would take a picture with my card, but due to the rising identity thefts i choose not to. haha.

    & oh my, today started off GREAT. -_- well actually, at diana’s house i had reallly god pancakes with strawberry sauce & bacon. that was a great start to the day, but that changed. ALLL before school even started. everyday, i always kinda run the light turning left from fort crook to cornhusker. i’m not joking either. i do the same thing everyday pretty much. i always hurry to the light because the light’s relaly fast, & it takes so long for it to turn green again. well, i usually turn when it’s turning yellow. the whole time, i swear when i was turning, it was yellow. apparently not though. there was a cop going the opposite direction. & as i was turning arielle goes, “shit mary. there’s a cop.” i didn’t think anything of it because i thought it was yellow. then i notice in my rear view mirror the cop turns in my direction. then i’m like oh shit. next thing, i look back in my rear view mirror, his lights are going off. & you know, i pull over & he tells me i ran the light, because on his side he had a “solid green.” i just politely said, “when i was turning, i saw it yellow.” he asks for my liscence & registration. i don’t know what registration looks like so i was pretty dumb & was like, uhhhh idk what it is. hahah. & well i eventually found it & was let off with a warning. phew. i’m still wondering if that goes on my insurance. =T
